For our final Supper Club of the season I am delighted that we have been able to secure as our speaker the new chief whip Chris Heaton-Harris MP.
Chris has had many exciting roles since first being elected to Parliament in 2010 and I am sure he will be brim full of interesting stories and anecdotes.
I am confident that this event will sell out very quickly so buy your tickets now. Space is very limited so the first 60 will be the lucky ones.
Date: Friday 29th April 2022
Time: 7pm for a 7:30pm sit down
Location: Disraeli room Beaconsfield Club Meadow Terrace Shrewsbury SY1 1PE
Price: £22.50 for members £25 for non members. £19 for young Conservatives.
Dress code: Lounge suits.
Usual booking system applies.
Email Garry in the office with your ticket requirements and transfer the payment to the SACA bank account. Sort code: 309762 Account number: 00493014 Reference: your surname and qty of tickets.
This is our preferred method of payment and I urge you all to pay this way. We do accept payment on the door but for admin purposes please pay direct to the account listed.