The 200 club is a great way to support the Association whilst at the same time being in with a chance of winning great prizes.
To apply in the first instance email Garry Burchett on [email protected]. The 200 club is represented on our executive by Peter Adams.
200 Club Rules & Administration
- The purpose of the 200 Club is to provide a Quarterly lottery draw for Members – proceeds to be shared between prize winners and the Association.
- It is administered by the Association, under the general direction of the Treasurer.
- The subscription, frequency and prize fund will be reviewed at each years AGM and any changes instigated at the next advertised draw.
- Subscriptions will be fixed annually – currently £20 per ‘stake’; multiple stakes are allowed, as are couples holding one stake between two. Should subscriptions be adjusted, prizes will normally be altered to keep the return to stakeholders at approximately 50% of the prize fund.
- The current stake of £20 will be split between the Association and the 4 quarterly draws. Anyone joining the club will be automatically added to the next draw and every subsequent draw as long as their fees are up to date.
- Renewals will be notified one month in advance by email. Renewals must be done online by setting up a direct transfer into the Associations bank accounts. Sort code 309762 account number 00493014 with your surname and “200club” as the reference.
Size & Prize Levels
- The prizes vary with the size of the Club as we grow – giving stakeholders better and more prizes as the Association gains more profit. The levels are currently:
- Up to 50 members. Two prizes each quarter of £70 and £30.
- 50 to 75 members. Two prizes each quarter of £70 and £30 with a special Christmas draw of £100.
- 75 to 125 members. Three prizes each quarter of £90, £50, and £30 with a special Christmas draw of £150.
- 125 to 200 members. Three prizes each quarter of £120, £80 and £50 with a special Christmas draw of £250.
- One Annual draw at each year’s AGM made up of a single prize of the balance in the kitty of 50% of all funds raised minus the prizes already paid out in the previous financial year.
The Draw Itself & financial results:
- The Administration Data of the Club is currently held on the Association computer. Current membership lists are available, together with lists of prize winners. The Accounts will be audited annually with the Association Accounts, as at December 31st. Overall results for the Club year will be published and will be available on request soon after the Club ‘year-end’.
- Where possible the draw will be done publicly at a convenient Conservative Event somewhere in the Constituency. When this cannot sensibly be done, the Draw will take place in the Association Office in the presence of an Officer.
- The prize winner (if not present) will be notified by email, and the result published on the Association website.
- Each new member applying to join will be allocated numbers randomly from the remaining numbers available.